

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday Stitches of Dew Drops

Spring has sprung and my heart is open. I can celebrate the mystery of nature on such a lovely day. The weather is warm and the sun is shining and dew drops remind me that nature stitches a beautiful cloth in so many ways. I spotted this woven web with dew resting on it and thought how beautiful the canopy of these droplets of water are for creatures nearby. It seems to illuminate the light and suddenly I want to be a bug and live under this.. can't you just imagine it?

Strawberries were ready to pick at the local berry farm and my son and I enjoyed a very yummy strawberry shortcake. And I'm trying to think of all the things I can make with fresh strawberries.

The first fresh crops of the coming summer season. Something I always look forward too. Fresh veggies and fruits. I'm thinking of new things to dye with.. I may just make experiments with the plants that grow in my yard. Because you just never know.

Today I'm off to have a nice dinner with my son. : )

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