

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Day 41 and another sweet grandbaby..

There is something really wonderful about painting someone you love with all your heart and soul. This grandbaby always loved to wrap her arms around my chest when I held her in my lap. The ultimate loving the ultimate joy of a sweet innocent soul.. nothing .. nothing at all feels as sacred and beautiful as the love of a baby. I love this baby. She is precious as are all of my adorable lovable grandbabies .. I have six. Yep .. six beautiful grandbabies.. how did I get so lucky? Makes me wonderfully incredibly happy.

Today I had to see once again if I could paint a baby .. I've always been afraid of painting people I knew because I thought if I got it wrong I would offend or hurt them somehow.. But these are babies that I'm painting .. my grand babies.

So today's face is $41.. email me at .. see you tomorrow.


  1. There's nothing like having a grandbaby (or six!) I'm finally finding out. What a joy they are and it's a whole different sort of love you feel.

  2. Ahhhh she is sooo sweet ! and you did well !!!!
